Hillsboro-West End Neighborhood Association
The Hillsboro-West End Neighborhood Association was founded in 1975 and was formally incorporated as a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation in 2009. Any adult residing, owning property, or employed within the neighborhood and who agrees with the general purposes of Corporation is a member with the right to vote at its meetings and eligible to serve as a member of the Board of Directors and as an officer.
The Board of Directors meets on the first Monday of every month at 7:00 p.m. (except January and July and the second Monday in September). Check with a board member for exact times and locations, as these do vary. All meetings are open to the public and neighborhood residents are encouraged to attend.
Visitors to the board meeting who wish to include an item on the agenda should contact the President or Vice-President in advance of the meeting to ensure that time will be available for discussion.
Board members are chosen by vote at the annual meeting, which usually occurs sometime in the Fall. Current board members are listed below, along with contact information and committee or officer responsibilities.
Goals of the Neighborhood Association:
To preserve and improve the residential quality of the neighborhood;
To provide a means by which the citizens of the area may exercise greater control over the economic, governmental, environmental, and social forces that influence their ways of life;
To promote understanding among property owners, residents, government, and business interests;
To foster neighborhood identity and sense of community;
To cooperate and affiliate in appropriate ways with other local, state, or national organizations having compatible goals;
To promote arts and music in the neighborhood through concert series and other events.