HWEN Email List
If you experience problems with the quick button here, please see more detailed instructions below for "Joining the HWEN Email List"
The HWEN Email List allows neighbors to communicate quickly and conveniently about issues of common interest.
Fast-breaking news, crime alerts, and other communications will be emailed to all HWEN Email List subscribers. We also send HWEN’s quarterly newsletter to our subscribers. HWEN will not distribute your email address to anyone. It will be used only for these neighborhood-related communications.
If you have questions about the Email List, please contact John TeSelle (jt@jt-architecture.com) or Jessica McDuffie-Massey (jmcduffiemassey@gmail.com)
Joining the HWEN Email List
Send an email to hwen+subscribe@googlegroups.com
You should receive a confirmation email in a few minutes. Hit REPLY to reply to this confirmation email. No message text is needed.
You should now be a subscriber to the group and will receive messages whenever they go out.
As as subscriber, you can post a message to the group -- see more information below.
Posting to the Email List
Please read the posting guidelines (at the bottom of this page) before sending a message.
Send your email (exactly as you want it to appear, subject line and all) to hwen@googlegroups.com
Your email must be read and approved by a moderator before it can be posted, so it will not appear immediately.
The moderator cannot edit the subject or the text of your message, so please include only the information that you want to go out to the entire neighborhood.
There is no need to ask a moderator to send a message for you, and sending it yourself ensures that replies will come back to you.
Unsubscribing from the List
Click on the "my settings" icon at the top right of the screen. Make sure it is "my settings" and not the "settings" icon that is right next to it.
Choose "leave this group" from the drop-down menu.
More options
This option lets you view the archive of HWEN Email List messages, set personal preferences for receiving emails, etc.
Go to http://groups.google.com/group/hwen and on the right side of the screen click "Join this group."
You will be taken to a new web page where you can sign in using your Google account, or create an account if you don't have one already. It's easy. You will be required to enter an email address when creating the Google account, but it can be any email address (it does not have to be Gmail).
Email List Guidelines
The HWEN Email List is for non-commercial postings only. Postings that offer or solicit goods or services for money (other than for non-profit entities) are not permitted.
Postings should be relevant to residents of our neighborhood, and should be specific to Hillsboro-West End. Some messages about city-wide events or programs may not be approved for posting because they are not directly related to the HWEN neighborhood.
If you would like to respond to an email that someone else has posted, consider a personal email reply to that sender rather than a message to the entire email list. Emails sent to the full list should be relevant to all neighbors and should present new information.
If a posting is a benefit for a non-profit organization, please include the name of the organization in the Subject line for the email.
Notifications of lost or found pets are always welcome!
For postings or discussions that may not meet the email list guidelines, some good resources are the HWEN Facebook page or one of the two Nextdoor sites for our area: North HWE and South HWE (these are not affiliated with HWEN, Inc., but they are useful sites).
Commercial items may also be submitted to the Newsletter as a paid advertisement.
Postings about issues or questions:
Items promoting a single political candidate are not permitted. Postings advertising a candidates’ forum or similar event to which all candidates are invited, and which is organized by a neutral party, are allowed.
Postings about contentious issues, written to present one point of view, are discouraged and generally will not be permitted. Notices of public meetings to discuss all sides of an issue are encouraged. The exception to this rule is in cases where the Board of Directors of HWEN has voted to take a formal position on an issue and needs to inform neighbors of that decision.
Questions about neighborhood or city services, or where to find an answer to a question, should be directed to one of the agencies listed on the hubNashville page, or to a member of one of our neighborhood committees.